

The situation in Afghanistan has kept intensifying and worsening, many have fled their homes to the capital and other cities for safety. Currently the airports are fully packed and no flights are taking terrified Afghanistani civilians out of the country.

Now that the Capital city of Afghanistan has been captured the safety of women, children and internal refugees is
being compromised. We need to do anything we can in our power to help the displaced.

As a business, I am doing my part in helping the chaos in Afghanistan. From now till the end of the week 22/08/2021, 100% of all the profits from any purchase that you make at Modest Fashion Outlet will be donated directly to a reliable emergency relief by Baba Mazari Foundation.

Ultimately, you can directly donate or take actions such as a sending your local MP and senators letters urging them to advocate for Afghanistan.
Do your part in helping Afghanistan even if its as small as making a small donation or signing a petition or sending a letter.
Just DO your part.